Rank System

Ranks are associated with Character NOT Account. You cannot buy all ranks at once and stack your perks! Server will always choose your highest rank as your main.

saiyan saiyanplus supersaiyan
Bonus exp 5% Bonus exp 10% Bonus exp 15%
Being able to use Bulma's Teleporter Shorter cooldown on using Bulma's Teleporter No cooldown on using Bulma's Teleporter
Special Technique "Instant Transmission" (Teleport to Depot) Shorter cooldown on "Instant Transmission" No cooldown on "Instant Transmission"
Increased daily training limit (3) Increased daily training limit (4) Increased daily training limit (5)
Bless cheaper by 10% Bless cheaper by 20% Bless cheaper by 30%
---- Bonus Loot 5% Bonus Loot 10%
---- Free Super Bless once a day (From Bless Statue) Free Super Bless twice a day (From Bless Statue)
---- Access to "!bless" command Access to "!bless" command